Project Based Learning

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Check Out the New Blog I love using projects and other interactive activities for teaching. I truly believe that during the process, learning is actually achieved in a deeper way, which is our goal as teachers.

Project based learning is also an excellent way to involve special needs children especially in mixed ability schools. More traditional classroom activities can sometimes be limiting for students with special needs. Projects allow them to use their strengths and also give students the freedom and time to express their learning through a different medium.

At the same time, this is an area where many of us struggle. How can we design or modify projects for students with physical disabilities, visual, or hearing problems? Are we able to design our projects in ways that both those with and without special needs can contribute, without anyone being undermined?

Group work is a great way to ensure that every member contributes, including those students with special needs. Ensuring that the child with special needs is able to communicate clearly with the group is an important aspect of supporting them. In addition practical adaptations like ensuring there is a table for the group to work on or extra computer time can make a huge difference.Overcoming these challenges and developing creative strategies is what makes teaching so much fun and enjoyable.

How do you modify projects to ensure that students with special needs are able to participate?

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