Do You Have A Classroom Routine?

We all have our routines, some intentionally and some that have just developed over time. There are things we tend to do the same way every single time- like what we do when we wake up, or how we make our coffee. Routines can help us get organized and ensure that we don’t miss […]
What is Service Learning?

Have we, through traditions and conformity, confined the teaching and learning process to within the walls of a classroom? We know that much of our practical knowledge is obtained through our interactions with the world around us. Then, why should we not include and engage our community as a part of our pedagogy? […]
What is Flipped Learning?

Flipped Learning is an approach that allows teachers to implement a specific methodology or various methodologies within their classrooms. The terms “flipped classroom” and “flipped learning” are not interchangeable. Flipping a class can, but does not necessarily, lead to Flipped Learning. Teachers may flip their classes by having students read text outside of class, […]
Teacher Resources, Tools & Giveaways (Jan 30-Feb 13, 2015)
Make screenshots,draw,shoot video and share.
A tool to introduce coding concepts.
Plot Diagram
Plot diagram is used to map the events in a story.
February Activities
Teaching Resources for the month of February.
As always before using tools or resources be sure to conduct due diligence regarding alignment of the material and content with your local values, curriculum, and […]
Designing Group Assignments

How can I design group assignments closely aligned to my students’ learning objectives?
When designing collaborative assignments, it is important to consider what knowledge, skills, and abilities students are required to learn. While group tasks enable students to communicate, there must always be a specific goal involved, such as learning a specific skill. For example, […]
How Can I Teach My Students to Ask Good Questions?

Questions represent the beginning time of discovery and innovation. To connect, analyze, and integrate new information, we need to ask questions. So the skill of asking logical questions helps people to think effectively, learn, discover and adapt to changes.
Why should questions be encouraged in a classroom?
“Students’ Questioning” involves them being self-motivated learners where […]
Can Digital Games Enhance the Learning Process?

Research done in 2013 showed that students who learned with video games had greater cognitive competencies than students instructed without them. A discussion about can video games help students learn, and can they help students learn better, has been going on for more than a decade. Research today is increasingly proving that video […]
Teachers as Storytellers

I recently watched a professional storyteller tell a story. They spoke with their eyes, hands, facial expressions, and body movements. They made their words interesting by adding sounds, using different tones, and even singing. This storyteller had captured the attention and the imagination of their audience. He gave his all to tell the […]
Inquiry Based Learning: What Does Research Say?

Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is an approach to education that places students’ questions, ideas and observations at the center of the learning experience. Here’s what research says about the effectiveness of this approach.
A research study was commissioned by the Einstein Project and conducted by the St. Norbert College Survey Center to evaluate the effectiveness […]
How can I use Popplet as a Mind mapping tool?

If one could enter a teacher’s brain and segregate all that they think about, one would probably find that the bulk of their mind space is occupied thinking of how they can organize their ideas and bits of information in a simple way. How do they keep track of the various connections […]