Creative Vacation Ideas
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Teachers and students often both look forward to this time of year. Teachers anticipate an opportunity to maybe catch their breath and relax while kids anxiously seek weeks of endless, unrestricted fun.
Then, there’s the “summer slide.” Not a playground equipment mainstay but rather a term for when students struggle in the fall because their academic learning has taken a hiatus over the summer months. Kids come back to school and are no longer able to do the reading or math that they could do before the vacation.
What creative vacation ideas might teachers give parents to help their children retain knowledge and keep their learning strong during the summer?
Of course, the kids are not going to like homework, so make it something fun and creative. Writing a summer vacation blog, creating a scrapbook, or researching and writing about something they are interested in are great ways to help kids stay in touch with reading and writing. They might even create their own digital storybook. There are lots of online math games and puzzles that can help improve logical thinking or math skills.
Get parents involved and excited. Give them ideas on what they can do with their child. And tell the kids that you’d love to hear about what they’re doing. These efforts will make it so much easier for the kids when they are back to school.
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