Logos in Education

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Check Out the New Blog Logo in EducationI’ve always been fascinated by logos. Such a succinct means of conveying a great deal of information. Got an idea or a point to make? Consider how it could be communicated in a logo. I was thinking about how this can be used in education. Creating a logo is so much more than art. It brings together design, symbolism and creative thinking. Moreover, logos are no more just for organizations or businesses. Logos can be used for personal representation, summarizing learning, causes, business cards, websites clubs and activity groups.

Logos could be a great way to help students present their thoughts and ideas through a creative medium. Not only can they learn to practice symbolism and restraint in design, they learn to think about what is the most important thing to communicate. Students discover nuances about color and fonts and how they play a role in presentation. Of course, students could create a logo for their team when they are working on projects together but why not also ask them to create logos to represent their learning and then share their vision with the class.

What are some other creative ways teachers and students can use logos for learning?

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2 Responses to “Logos in Education”
  1. Terri says:

    Great ideas! Thanks for sharing this on my Facebook page. I am glad I came to check it out. I always have my students create a logo for their group. I change groups once a month so they get lots of practice at it and try to make better ones each time.

  2. Cool! Would love to hear about some the logos your students have created. What a nice introductory and bonding activity!

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