Growth in Students
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I’ve been doing some reading about learning and realized that learning is really all about growth. Imagine a ladder. In order to move upward along the ladder of learning, we cannot jump up but rather must approach the climb one rung at a time. Likewise is the case when we try to ascend a mountain in a wagon or run up a down escalator – as long as we are trying, we can make progress, learn, grow and move up. But, it is precisely this effort that helps us keep from sliding backward altogether.
Think about that a student who maintains their C grade and how they are working and trying to learn. Students can struggle for many reasons and issues. Just maintaining their grade might take a lot of effort.
Big improvements are memorable, and exciting, but also rare, and sometimes impossible. What is achievable are baby steps, one ladder rung at a time. So whether it’s our students, or ourselves, let’s be patient and cherish the little steps. Let’s be positive and encouraging as long as no one is moving downward.
What do you see as growth among your students or in your own learning journey?