Summer Ideas
Posted by PLB Blogger · Leave a Comment
Summer has begun and it’s time to take advantage of this well-deserved break. I’m sure you have tons to do between winding up last year, planning for the next year, and professional development that you would like to squeeze in. In the midst of all this remember- this is the part of the year when you can take a little time out for yourself.
We all need to be refreshed and renewed. Sleeping well (even sleeping in), eating good foods and enjoying the summer sun all help to rejuvenate you and prepare you for the year ahead. Even if you’ve got a busy schedule this summer, find ways to indulge in things that you don’t usually have time for- plan to call an old friend once a week, write inyour journal, or attend a hobby class. Take time to travel, or just take a micro vacation at a park nearby. Celebrate summer and all that it stands for.
Do you have some great summer ideas for teachers? We’d love to hear from you.