How Can I Manage Student Behavior With Behavior Conference?

A behavior conference is a brief meeting between teacher and student to discuss the student’s problem behavior(s). While the structure and content of a behavior conference will vary based on circumstances, it will typically include some or all of the following elements:
Description of the problem behavior: The teacher describes the student’s behavior and […]
How Can I Create a Behavior Plan for In-Class Consequences?

Expanding the range of classroom behavior interventions can help a teacher to respond appropriately in every situation. The teacher who has developed a behavior plan with a repertoire of in-class consequences for minor* misbehaviors can prevent students from being sent to the principal’s office or to in-school detention.
First, list those common misbehaviors that […]
How can I get Students Involved in Creating a Behavior Plan?

Getting students involved in creating a behavior plan is an effective positive behavior management strategy. Students feel a greater sense of ownership in their behavior choices when they are active contributors to determining the outcomes.
As with all of us, students also tend to know themselves best: what triggers will set off their problem […]