No One Knows Your Classroom Better Than You!

We read and learn about various strategies, research and ideas in newsletters, journals, or professional development courses. Sometimes we find things that we love and sometimes we find ideas that make us think “That will never work in MY classroom!” Often, we may be right. After all, no one knows our classrooms better […]
How Can I Encourage Parents To Volunteer for Classroom Activities?

Each parent needs to feel valued, to feel like they’re a necessary part of the school success equation. When they feel valued, they are more willing to give to others – in this case, they are more willing to partner in ways that are most successful.
When people feel that what they can contribute […]
What is the “Whip around” Strategy?

Whip around is a simple closure activity by which teachers can objectively analyze the quantity and quality of the students’ comprehension of the lesson. Though it does not allow for individual assessment, the whip around technique is a great way to identify the presence of gaps in understanding. It serves as an indicator […]
Spring Cleaning in the Classroom

As we work on spring cleaning our homes, it might be a great time to think about spring-cleaning in our classrooms as well. While I definitely work on getting the classroom set up for the new school year each year, I sometimes find that there are things that I accept as part of […]
New Ideas for the School Classroom

I don’t know about you but every year around this time I’m wrapping up my thoughts and reflections from the previous school year and beginning to think about what might make this next year a little different. You know, how can I tweak the things I do well to make them better and […]