Navigating the Web: Teacher Tip for Efficiency
Have you ever been reading a really great article and find a link you would like to click on, but you don’t want to “lose” the article you’re currently reading? Simple! All you need to do is right-click (on a PC) (or press CTRL and click on a Mac) on the link and […]
Basic Computer Introduction for Teachers

It’s important for educators to start with computer basics in order to best understand technology. And the first step is to develop a familiarity with the machine that they are primarily working on.
The computer you’re using right now is likely either a Mac or a PC. How do you know the difference […]
What are Web Tools in Education?

Web tools in and outside of the education are built around the concept of Web 2.0, which at its most basic translates to the ReadWrite Web. Still don’t understand? Don’t worry, it’s a murky term and the easiest way for teachers to think about it is this: on the “old” internet (web), content […]