BUSTED! 3 Popular Math Myths

Being good at math is not about natural ability, it’s all about effort.
For many people, working with numbers can be stressful. However, when people are confident in their ability to understand and solve mathematical problems, the world becomes an easier place to navigate. Tasks such as budgeting, choosing the best insurance plan, or […]
A teacher once told me that she could often tell on the first day of school what final grade each student would receive. What are your thoughts about this?An optimistic teacher is one who believes that every student in her class will succeed academically. An optimistic teacher believes that they can be a […]
How Can Teachers Motivate And Partner With Parents?

Parents in Partnership
Parent involvement has been proven to be the key ingredient to increasing student success in school…
Nelson Mandela quotes, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” However, the task of educating the child in a wholesome way, the problem of school dropouts or lack of […]
6 Tips For Classroom Management

Teach it. Model it. Practice and encourage it until it becomes part of the fabric of your classroom…
Most of the outcomes desired in classrooms depend to a great extent on the teacher’s ability to be a good classroom manager. A class where students are disorderly and no rules guide behavior, chaos is bound […]