What are some things you do to renew and refresh when you feel burnt-out?

Check Out the New Blog Beach HammockAll of us have days when we are tired, burnt-out or feel like we just want to get through the day. On those days, it’s really hard to be our best as a teacher. What can we do to make sure that doesn’t happen? Think about the last time this happened to you. Were there some signs the previous day or the previous week that you could have noticed? Were there things that you could have changed to ensure that you were not so tired? Learn to recognize it when you need a break. Cut down on extra activities, and give yourself the break you need. See if you can reduce additional tasks like cooking or laundry. Take a long bath, or read a nice book. Call and talk to a friend or a colleague.

Giving ourselves a break when we need it helps ensure that we don’t find ourselves burnt-out and ineffective.

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