How Can I Encourage Parents To Volunteer for Classroom Activities?
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Each parent needs to feel valued, to feel like they’re a necessary part of the school success equation. When they feel valued, they are more willing to give to others – in this case, they are more willing to partner in ways that are most successful.
When people feel that what they can contribute is deemed important, the feeling of being valued and of worth increases. This generates positive feelings about the school atmosphere and increases parental participation.
A great way to start is to ask parents to fill a survey on parental interests, hobbies, and talents. To keep strong and knowledgeable volunteers, use people where they excel. Inquire about parents’ interests and skills and you will find willing and enthusiastic volunteers. People usually love to share what they know! Recognize the different resources you have access to, through the parents, and utilize them. Be innovative and creative.
For example, when teaching geography, set up a time for your bilingual parent to come into the class to give an enrichment lesson on their country of origin’s customs and then teach the class a few common words from their native tongue. This can do wonders for their child’s self-worth, the parent’s feelings of valuable contribution, and provide the class with some variety in curriculum and presentation.
Be open to new ideas from the parents on how they can assist or run an event. Things don’t have to be the same year in and year out. With extra events or enrichment activities, parents can be an excellent resource.