Common Core Assessment and Evaluation

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Check Out the New Blog CommonCoreAssessmentandEvaluationThe Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are exciting, and at the same time seem daunting. We all have our way of doing things, and a change in the standards can make it quite difficult. At PLB, we understand how many schools and teachers are working hard (and struggling) with getting things set up to achieve these standards. In the next few weeks, we have a few courses coming up that are aimed to make it easier to tackle the common core. These courses are essentially a “toolkit” for the Common Core, helping teachers strengthen foundations, and put processes in place that have been found to contribute to academic success.

This week, we launch a course called “Common Core Assessment and Evaluation.” This course covers a variety of assessment methods that may be used to evaluate a student’s progress in terms of the CCSS and monitor their performance. This online course for teachers is full of templates and examples that make it easy for anyone to implement these strategies in their own classroom.

Here’s to looking forward in supporting transition to the Common Core.

What are your biggest apprehensions about common core implementation?

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