How Can I Use the iPad’s Sharing Tools to Teach More Effectively?

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Check Out the New Blog HowCanIUsetheIpadsSharingToolstoTeachMoreEffectivelyMoving from accessing resources that help you differentiate your instruction to supporting the painless and instant sharing of these resources with your students becomes a fluent motion while using the iPad. As you find or create documents for your students to read, annotate and build upon, sharing becomes a simple step using group emailing or adding a document to a shared folder stored in the cloud.

In addition, the iPad is great for taking photos and shooting videos. Not only will it help document visual learning, it also serves as a way to archive and reflect on your teaching style and best practices. Using the iPad’s camera also proves to be a convenient tool when needing to scan in physical papers. This enables sharing and allows for collaborative annotation of material.

Most apps have a way to not simply consume or create content, but also offer a variety of options to store, organize and share forward. These options are generally accessed by the symbol of a rectangle with an arrow pointing outside the shape. By tapping on the icon, you will see options to share via social media, email or open the file or document in another app. This feature comes in handy, when pushing out information to your students. You might want to create an email group, so one email goes out to the entire class, instead of entering individual student emails, or send to a service platform such as Evernote or Dropbox, where students have access to the folder.

Discuss here: What method do you use to share pictures, content or websites with students?

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