Increase the Scope of Learning through Virtual Field Trips
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What is a Virtual Field Trip?
A Virtual Field Trip is guided access through the Internet into places and experiences that might otherwise be impossible or unattainable. This access is crucial in the field of education. Now students are able to learn by exploring famous places and study subjects while actually seeing the lesson come to life. These Virtual Field Trips have become a cost effective way to get the students beyond the classroom.
Catching the attention of a diverse group of students, sustaining their interest in the subject, going beyond basic book knowledge, presenting experiences that will be etched in their memory and making real-life connections – these are some of the goals that teachers have for their students. Yet, these are typically very challenging to achieve.
Using technology – a medium that this new generation of students is most comfortable with – Virtual Field Trips enable teachers to get creative. They grab attention, provide hands-on experiences and move beyond the textbook. Available at the click of your fingers, a Virtual Field Trip overcomes common constraints of time, money and student-abilities, making it an all-inclusive tool.
Scope of learning
Virtual Field Trips can be made applicable across all subjects, grades and student abilities – a tool that invites almost everyone to learn and explore. The following are three reasons why Virtual Field Trips are an essential tool for every classroom:
- Wide Subject Range
Science, geography, history and art are some common subjects that benefit from field trips. There are a number of Virtual Field Trips that are available for each of these subjects. These range from being able to witness nature, outer space, the world of micro-organisms, travelling back in time to significant events and getting to closely observe pieces of art by renowned artists. Apart from these, there are Virtual Field Trips available for unlikely subjects such as Mathematics. These trips may include Solar System Math by NASA that covers pre-algebra topics such as measurement, unit conversion, ratio and proportion, scale and data analysis.
- Across Grade Levels
No class is too young or too old for a virtual field trip. The trick is to find a trip that is most suitable for the age group that you are teaching. Many virtual trips are specifically made for a certain age group. Trips such as the Baking Bread field trip explains measuring concepts for grades 4th through 6th. As you look through the material available and the standards, you will be able to judge whether your students will enjoy and learn from a particular Virtual Field Trip.
- Various Student Abilities
Real world field trips are not always possible for all students in an inclusive classroom.Often, those with physical disabilities are unable to freely participate in the hands on experiences. Now, with Virtual Field Trips, more students are able to explore exciting places and content around the world from the comfort of the classroom.
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