How Can Teachers Lead Change from the Classroom?

How Can Teachers Lead Change from the Classroom?

Learn how to effect change as a teacher. School-wide initiatives can be effective with the support and leadership of teachers.
What are School-wide Initiatives?
Today, the world of education is undergoing significant changes. Old ideas, teaching methods, curriculum, disciplinary actions, expectations, and even evaluations are changing. The goal of all this change is “improvement”.
Such is […]

What Are The Elements of a Good Professional Development Plan (PDP)?

What Are The Elements of a Good Professional Development Plan (PDP)?

Six elements of a good Professional Development Plan (PDP) for teachers are:
A good plan must have a clear description of the learning needs of both teacher and students.
Identifying student needs involves evaluating student performance and assessing other information that may have a bearing on student learning, such as disciplinary actions, attendance information, test […]

How can Individual Goal Setting enhance Student Performance?

How can Individual Goal Setting enhance Student Performance?

The words aim, purpose and goal are commonly used in a class by teachers in the hope of motivating students to perform better. A close look at our teaching techniques reveal that it is generally the educators who work hard to instill a sense of purpose or goal among their students. This makes […]

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