Something New

Most people have preconceived perceptions about themselves. They may think of I am “a sports person,” or “an arts person.” Very often they can get stuck within this vision box. Imagine the person who considers themselves to be a “stay-at-home-and-relax” type of person who “never really travels.” I once worked with a woman […]
Something New

Now that we’re through the holidays, are you ready to tackle the challenges of 2014? Recent surveys point out that people don’t get serious about their New Year’s Resolutions until February, so now is the time to get started!
One reason ideas and dreams don’t come to action is just that we don’t think them through, and plan for them. […]
Something New

A few days ago I was watching some children playing in the falling snow and ice covered playground – slipping and getting up again. They seemed to be having so much fun going down intentionally, sometimes even pushing each other. It made me think about how our attitudes toward falling change so much […]