What is Focused Listing?

Focused listing is a simple, easy and quick strategy by which you can measure your students’ level of comprehension, recall and misunderstandings of the topic taught in class. Students are given a key word related to the topic and instructed to list down related terms that is a part of and helps them […]
How can I Train Comprehension by Teaching Students the “Make a Movie” Strategy?

If we want to train comprehension, we need to help students to make a movie in their head. By asking questions such as:
What? Who?
By thinking about the answers to these questions we create a picture in our heads. Here’s the sentence again: “The puppy liked to help Emily with her food.” Now, please […]
Teaching Comprehension Strategies for middle school

Comprehension is a complex process and includes the ability to comprehend, discuss, study, and write about multiple forms of text. Teachers can help their students become proficient readers with the help of effective teaching comprehension strategies.
Members of the National Reading Panel (NRP) in an evidence based assessment of an experimental and quasi-experimental research on […]