How can teachers use the “Language Experience Approach” for ELLs?

The United States is rapidly becoming more diverse in terms of culture and language. It is possible to walk down the halls of a school and hear several different languages being spoken by its students. With these learners and their languages come diverse cultural perspectives and background experiences. Teachers therefore face challenges both […]
Pictures, and words

As we work on developing e-learning content, I often find that information can be communicated more effectively through pictures than any other method. The old saying that a picture can say a thousand words, is still true, and even more so, in this age of social networking.
In our own classrooms, how do we […]
Famous Words

I was recently reading an article about how so many words we use are derived from famous people. Did you know that “leotard” was actually the name of a French acrobat?
I often find that when I speak, there are some words that I tend to use more often than others. This phenomenon also […]