What will Others Say?

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Check Out the New Blog WhatwillOthersSayHave you ever noticed that quite often we hold ourselves back from doing something good, just because we worry about what others would say. I’m sure we all have come across this as teachers at some point in our career. We want to implement a new strategy or a new idea, but really are not sure about what other teachers, parents or even the students will say. And as we think about it, all the different negative comments that could possibly come flash through our head. Finally, we decide not to go ahead with it and stay safe, by doing what we know works for sure.

The problem with this is that when it happens day after day, month after month, it can build up frustration and prevent us from reaching our full potential. This week, I encourage you to reflect on how other people’s anticipated opinions may be holding you back. If you find that this is true for you, take a chance once and do something that you believe is best, without worrying about what others might think. It may be a refreshing experience.

What is your best memory of a time that you went ahead and did what you believed was best, without worrying about what others thought?

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