6 TOP PICKS: Quick Hit Learning Resources
Mark Twain said, “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.” Throughout our lives we are both teachers […]
WORDS Of ENCOURAGEMENT: Youth Entrepreneurs

The TEEN Principle is a great way for a youth to find a business idea and build it into an enterprise.
Math for All Levels

This math resource is for all grade levels (you can even search by grade level)!
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
105 Online Activities
548 Lesson Plans (Which one is your favorite?)
724 Web Links
1377 Math-based Classroom Integrations
Activities, lessons, and standards aligned with the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.
Resolutions & Education
Courses | Staff Development Books | Children’s Books | Virtual Schools | ProfessionalLearningBoard.com
Want a super way to write down and keep track of goals, tasks and even New Year’s resolutions?
Need a creative way to include print-outs, organizers, notes and resources in classes?
This is it! The Pocket Mod is a simple little handy tool that […]
Create Video & Edit Photos
The newest additions to the Teacher Toolbar include:
Blend Studio lets you make your own custom web videos! Use your photos, webcam video and audio, YouTube videos, custom animations, and more!
Make Me Talk lets you add your voice to photos of your family and friends, politicians, celebrities, animals… whatever!
E-card Creator but with your photos […]