Harnessing ‘Musical Intelligence’ in the Classroom

Check Out the New Blog Multiple Intelligence is a theory that recognizes the variety in intelligence and abilities in different people. Understanding how students demonstrate their intellectual capacity is an important factor in designing instruction that meets the specific learning needs of students.

Musical Intelligence is an under utilized intellectual ability that can be used to enhance learning in the students. Students with musical intelligence are far more sensitive to pitch, melody, rhythm and tone. When learning involves the use of music, they are able to grasp concepts more easily and remember them well.

Here are some ways to use music in the classroom.

Set the tone:
Playing appropriate music in the classroom can set the environment of the class room. Some music picks up pace whereas some others infuse calm or create a welcoming environment. Teachers can also introduce the subject or lesson for the day by using a song that is related to the lesson.

Musical Examples:
Playing music that is related to the class material or abstract can also enhance learning. For examples teachers may ask their students to play music from a historic period or ethnic group or to describe the feeling of a poem.

Teachers may also ask students to compose a poem and thereby demonstrate their understanding of the concept that was taught in the classroom.

What are some other ways that you have used music in the classroom?

Taken from the course “Accommodating All Learners” by Professional Learning Board







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