How can I Help a Student with ADHD Learn to Plan?

In order to help a student with ADHD learn how to plan, have the student write or draw the steps needed for any school procedure. For example, if the student has difficulty preparing to go home, have them write or draw a list of considerations:
Regarding homework assignments, what will I need?
Other utensils
What old […]
How can I help a Student with ADHD Organize their Assignments?

A student with ADHD may appear disobedient because she probably tends to procrastinate her work and then, as pressure builds, become overwhelmed.
Many students with ADHD have a poor sense of time and are unable to properly estimate the amount of time needed for different types of assignments. Most of them need to be […]
What is the Effectivity of Sensory Training for ADHD?

Sensory processing and integration issues often present themselves in children with ADHD. The children may appear to have difficulties in interpreting and processing sensory information from their environment.
Following are related symptoms:
Short attention span
Sensitivity to sounds
Unusual sensitivity to smells
Fascination with lights
Walking on the toes
Coordination problems
Indifference to pain or temperature
Refusal to wear certain types of […]
What are the Signs of Impulsivity in ADHD?

Understanding the main challenges in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) helps teachers reach and teach students with ADHD more effectively.
At the same time, it is imperative that teachers do not attempt to diagnose any student. Only a trained person can do that.
ADHD is a disorder with many degrees ranging from moderate to severe. […]
Understanding ADHD in the Classroom

So, wondering as I approached this week’s newsletter editorial how I might combine introducing our new course: Understanding ADHD and asking you to PLEASE let your friends, colleagues and fellow teachers know about PLB.
Is it just me (yes, it might be) or are we all a little ADHD (at least sometimes). Seriously, as […]