What should the Consequences for Violations of Acceptable Use Policies (AUPs) be in Schools?

The issue of Acceptable Use Policies violations is a challenge about which more discussion ‘is desperately needed’ among school leaders.
Addressing the critical issue of aligning student behaviors in the ‘virtual’ world with ‘real’ world consequences is imperative. It is recommended that a general, yet clear, summary is sought of what is considered ‘reasonable’ for various […]
What are the Goals of Acceptable Use Policies in Schools?

The purpose of an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is to communicate in clear language how a district’s computer and network resources are to be used so that the environment is safe, secure and reliable.
Educational institutions have a responsibility to keep their students safe. Many schools have security guards, policies for students who want […]
Creating a Student Acceptable Use Policy

The purpose of an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is to communicate in clear language how a district’s computer and network resources are to be used so that the environment is safe, secure and reliable.
It is recommended to have both a staff and student Acceptable Use Policy as there should be differences in the […]