What is Place Based Learning and how can it be used in your Curriculum?

With Place Based Learning you can enhance education for you students. Learn what Place Based Learning is and how it can be used in your teaching.
What is Place Based Learning?
Did you think that the classroom was the only teaching place for students? If yes, then think again. Using Place based education, you can […]
What is Service Learning?

Have we, through traditions and conformity, confined the teaching and learning process to within the walls of a classroom? We know that much of our practical knowledge is obtained through our interactions with the world around us. Then, why should we not include and engage our community as a part of our pedagogy? […]
School Survey
A novel and effective approach to school improvement is to provide parents and community members with a school survey throughout the school year. Following are question statements that can easily be asked as often as monthly beginning after the first weeks of school.
I’m pleased with _______________________________________________________________
I’m upset about _______________________________________________________________
I’ve heard a rumor that […]