How can teachers avoid power struggles with students?

How can teachers avoid power struggles with students?

Feel confident in your ability to respond to a student who attempts to engage you in a power struggle…
Students who are defiant or non-compliant can be among the most challenging to teach. They can frequently interrupt instruction, often do perform poorly academically, and may show little motivation to learn.
There are no magic […]

How Can Teachers Adapt Classroom Tests For Students With ADHD?

How Can Teachers Adapt Classroom Tests For Students With ADHD?

Test modifications can be a lifesaver for many students with ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is seen commonly in today’s classrooms. Children with this condition may be restless, find it difficult to sit, and may be impulsive and have a very short attention span. On the other hand, they are also very […]

How Can Teachers Assess If Their Students Are Learning And Progressing?

How Can Teachers Assess If Their Students Are Learning And Progressing?

Continuous assessment gives teachers valuable feedback about your student’s understanding of concepts and the way they apply them…
Continuous assessment is the process of learning about your students by using your daily experiences and observations of their ideas, conversations, drawings and writings. This happens each day rather than at the end of a unit […]

Public Speaking For Teachers

Public Speaking For Teachers

Most possess the confidence and skills to speak on a personal level, but public speaking is another thing altogether…
One of the essential characteristics of being an educator is the ability to communicate effectively. A person may be an expert on a particular subject, but if they are unable to communicate it well, the […]

School Survey

A novel and effective approach to school improvement is to provide parents and community members with a school survey throughout the school year. Following are question statements that can easily be asked as often as monthly beginning after the first weeks of school.
I’m pleased with _______________________________________________________________
I’m upset about _______________________________________________________________
I’ve heard a rumor that […]

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