How Can Teachers Adapt Classroom Tests For Students With ADHD?

Test modifications can be a lifesaver for many students with ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is seen commonly in today’s classrooms. Children with this condition may be restless, find it difficult to sit, and may be impulsive and have a very short attention span. On the other hand, they are also very […]
Professional Development 1 Credit: Cognitive Skills: Understanding Learning Challenges
“When a task is given in school,
why does one student take thirty minutes to complete it
and another only eight minutes?”
Spring enrollments closed.
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EDUC 600
1 Semester Credit
Grading: A-F
Materials: Included in the course fee
Professional Development Credit: 1 semester credit issued through the regionally accredited
Instruction […]
SELF-STUDY: About the Brain (10 Hours)
“When a task is given in school, why does one student take thirty minutes to complete it and another only eight minutes?”
Welcome to this dual course aimed to help you understand more about the human brain. This dual course consists of the following topics:
Cognitive Skills
Introduction to Autism
In […]
Understanding and Dealing with Creative Thinkers in the Classroom

A master of adaptation, the mind of creative thinkers often races in many different directions, and it can seem as if this learner forgets how to be a team player. When this learner becomes enthusiastic about tackling highly individualized pursuits, it is important for an educator to practice patience.
Often, these students think so […]
Understanding BICS and CALP

Teachers who work with English Language Learners (ELL) are often puzzled by the differences that they see between different language skill areas. For example, a teacher may observe that an ELL speaks easily with his peers about lunch, music, video games and what he did on the weekend, but may struggle a lot […]