Buddy Journals for Writing Practice

Use this tool to enhance writing skills in students. Take the pressure off of writing while developing crucial reading and writing skills.
What are Buddy Journals?
Many students find writing to be an overwhelming task. Writing strategies that can simultaneously put students at ease and encourage writing are useful tools for the classroom. The Buddy […]
Vocabulary Building Strategies for the Classroom

Build student vocabulary with these 3 strategies. Effective instruction means students are not only hearing new information, but understanding new information.
As students progress in school their reading and vocabulary must progress as well. If a student has poor understanding of vocabulary, they are automatically at a large disadvantage to succeed. This makes it […]
Setting Classroom Rules

Start the year off right by tackling classroom management strategies from the start. These tips to implementing effective classroom rules will help create a thriving learning environment.
Setting effective classroom rules
Every classroom needs rules. Rules are the cornerstone of a well-managed class and setting these rules requires thought and planning by the teacher. Behavioral […]
The Layered Curriculum Approach to Learning

Understand the different learning styles of students and how to implement differentiated instruction in the classroom. This approach can help create an effective learning environment for every student.
What is the Layered Curriculum Approach to learning?
Students differ in their abilities, intelligence and learning styles and are in need of differentiated instruction. The Layered […]
The Picture Exchange Communication System for Specialized Instruction

Teach your differently-abled students to effectively engage in a conversation using this communication method.
The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is a form of alternative and augmentative communication, originally developed for children with Autism. The PECS method teaches communication using only pictures or pictures in combination with speech. This method primarily teaches students […]
How to Use Choice Boards in the Classroom?

Choice Boards enhance student motivation and engagement in the classroom while using differentiated instruction to promote learning.
Why use Choice Boards in the Classroom?
It is best to give students plenty of opportunities to practice and master the concepts taught in class. However, structuring such activities is no easy task, as teachers need to take […]
Increase the Scope of Learning through Virtual Field Trips

What is a Virtual Field Trip?
A Virtual Field Trip is guided access through the Internet into places and experiences that might otherwise be impossible or unattainable. This access is crucial in the field of education. Now students are able to learn by exploring famous places and study subjects while actually seeing the lesson […]
Create a STEM-focused Curriculum

ASTEM-focused curriculum inspires students to fully explore topics and develop creative solutions to real-world problems…
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) is a discipline that is extremely important for students to learn today. As students grow in the fields of STEM they are able to learn interdisciplinary skills that apply to real world […]
Digital Portfolios for the Classroom

Incorporate Digital Portfolios into the classroom for a creative way to compile student work. Watch these online portfolios engage students and keep them organized.
What is a Digital Portfolio?
A Digital Portfolio is a collection of student work located online. These portfolios enable students to compile work in a creative way. Teachers and parents are […]