Using Big Paper Strategy to Encourage Student-Centered Learning

Using Big Paper Strategy to Encourage Student-Centered Learning
Big paper is a learning strategy that encourages students to silently discuss and explore topics through writing. In this collaborative strategy, students are instructed to write their responses on a piece of paper that is passed between group members.
Using the big paper strategy, teachers can […]
The Layered Curriculum Approach to Learning

Understand the different learning styles of students and how to implement differentiated instruction in the classroom. This approach can help create an effective learning environment for every student.
What is the Layered Curriculum Approach to learning?
Students differ in their abilities, intelligence and learning styles and are in need of differentiated instruction. The Layered […]
The Socratic Method in the Classroom

How can teachers use the Socratic method?
The Socratic method is one of the oldest pedagogic techniques used in the classroom. Developed by Socrates over 2400 years ago, the strategy uses thought-provoking question and answer sessions to promote learning. This student-centered approach is challenging and engages students in analytical discussions; and aids in expanding […]
The Layered Curriculum Approach to Learning

Understand the different learning styles of students and how to implement differentiated instruction in the classroom. This approach can help create an effective learning environment for every student.
What is the Layered Curriculum Approach to learning?
Students differ in their abilities, intelligence and learning styles and are in need of differentiated instruction. The Layered […]
Passion-Based Learning for a Thriving Classroom

Tyler is a 16-year-old who plays basketball. He goes to all of his practices, follows all of the coach’s instructions and is a natural on the court. But inside the classroom, Tyler only puts enough effort in to keep from failing. He is not internally motivated in the classroom as on the basketball […]
Create a Successful Self-Organizing Classroom

Give students the ownership of learning by creating a self-organized classroom. These student-centered learning techniques create an active learning environment for every student.
A self-organizing classroom has unique characteristics that serve as a basis for a learning supportive classroom. These characteristics evoke self-organization, self-improvement, and self-motivation in students. Classrooms that are self-organized encourage […]
GRADUATE Course – Common Core Intervention Across the Curriculum

“How can I monitor progress towards the Common Core State Standards?”
1 Graduate Credit
Grading: A-F
Materials: Included in the course fee!
Graduate Credit: 1 Graduate Credit
Instruction Mode: Self-paced, Asynchronous (Online Class)
Time Frame: Enroll and start any time
See inside this course…
Course Description:
The implementation of Common Core State Standards across the curriculum provides a real-world approach to learning […]
What is Reciprocal Teaching?

Palinesar and Brown (1984) described Reciprocal Teaching as an instructional strategy that is “a dialogue between teachers and students for the purpose of jointly constructing the meaning of the text.” In this strategy, the role of “a teacher” is shared by both teacher and student, as they take turns in leading the discussion […]