How Can Teachers Create A Self-Organizing Classroom?

How Can Teachers Create A Self-Organizing Classroom?

A Self-Organizing Classroom
To promote efficient learning and minimize behavior problems, here’s how to ensure a well-run classroom…
The typical general-education classroom can be best understood as a complex, self-organizing system. The various solutions a teacher selects to manage instruction, behaviors, personal connections with students, recordkeeping, and the myriad of additional challenges in a busy […]

How Can Teachers Help Assess Struggling Readers In Their Class?

How Can Teachers Help Assess Struggling Readers In Their Class?

Assess student progress to ensure effective learning with reading…
All students meet and understand class text in different ways, depending on the “files” they have gathered since birth. A teacher’s awareness of how easy or difficult the text is for each student makes learning stronger for everyone.
Reading is the foundation to learn. The first […]

Leadership and Influence

I was recently reading about Power and Influence and how both are different aspects of leadership. Many people seek power, thinking that it is the most valuable approach for leading others. You may have seen a teacher spending energy and effort trying to become the next school administrator or lead teacher. On the […]

How Can Teachers Teach Students To Stay Safe From Malware Attacks?

How Can Teachers Teach Students To Stay Safe From Malware Attacks?

Don’t click that link!
The internet has become a magnet for less than positive practices, and as teachers, we must share responsibility to make cyberspace a safe environment for children…
The young people of today face challenges and risks that have never been experienced before by any generation. They are navigating a world of communication […]

How Can Teachers Motivate And Partner With Parents?

How Can Teachers Motivate And Partner With Parents?


Parents in Partnership
Parent involvement has been proven to be the key ingredient to increasing student success in school…
Nelson Mandela quotes, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” However, the task of educating the child in a wholesome way, the problem of school dropouts or lack of […]

School Uniforms and Learning Outcomes

School Uniforms and Learning Outcomes

Recent research by Michael L. Slepian of Columbia University showed that people wearing formal clothing have higher scores on a scalethat measures abstract thinking, than people wearing casual clothes. The difference in the scores is enough to make a person think twice before getting dressed in the morning. What’s been a hunch before such as […]

How Can Teachers Enhance Student Achievement?

How Can Teachers Enhance Student Achievement?

Teacher-focused Strategies for Effective Learning
Refresh your teaching styles  to reach students effectively and help them to achieve their learning goals…
A successful educator is one who is able to reach all students in the classroom using the best possible instructional methods and an approach that encourages and builds the students’ desire to explore and […]

How Do Teachers Divide Students Into Groups For Collaborative Activities?

How Do Teachers Divide Students Into Groups For Collaborative Activities?

The Collaborative Teacher and Her Classroom
With this unique teaching approach, transform education from inside the classroom…
Engage your students in a thinking curriculum – where everyone learns from one another, and no student is deprived of this opportunity. Welcome to the future of education – the collaborative classroom.
Collaboration is a key 21st century skill. This […]

6 Tips For Classroom Management

6 Tips For Classroom Management

Teach it. Model it. Practice and encourage it until it becomes part of the fabric of your classroom…
Most of the outcomes desired in classrooms depend to a great extent on the teacher’s ability to be a good classroom manager. A class where students are disorderly and no rules guide behavior, chaos is bound […]

Public Speaking For Teachers

Public Speaking For Teachers

Most possess the confidence and skills to speak on a personal level, but public speaking is another thing altogether…
One of the essential characteristics of being an educator is the ability to communicate effectively. A person may be an expert on a particular subject, but if they are unable to communicate it well, the […]

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