FACILITATED: Bullying – The Golden Rule Solution (15 clock hours)
“I have utilized this philosophical approach to bullying repeatedly over the past two years and I have always found it to be highly effective in even the most verbally abusive school environments.”
During childhood, children learn and practice the skills they will need in their adult lives. Bullying is an […]
Filed under Uncategorized · Tagged with anti-bullying, bullying, teacher resource, teacher tools, teacher training
PACKAGE: Child Abuse Prevention Package for Educators (20 Hours)
The Child Abuse Prevention Package for Educators includes the following four courses
Child Abuse Prevention Package for Educators
# Hours
Recognizing & Preventing Child Abuse
Internet Safety in a Connected World
Bullying Prevention & Policies for Schools
Ethics for Education Professionals
The course package Child Abuse Prevention for Educators will expand your knowledge regarding the dangers of child abuse […]
Filed under $101 - $200, Alabama - AL, Arizona - AZ, Child Abuse & Safety, Clock Hours/CPDUs: 16 - 30, Course Packages, Illinois - IL, Minnesota - MN, New Hampshire - NH, New Jersey - NJ, New York - NY, Ohio - OH, Oregon - OR, School Safety, Self-Study, Technology, Texas - TX, Virginia - VA · Tagged with anti-bullying, bullying, child abuse, cyber safety, ethics, ethins in education, internet safety, preventing child abuse, teacher tools, teacher training
SELF-STUDY: Bullying – The Golden Rule Solution (5 clock hours)
“I have utilized this philosophical approach to bullying repeatedly over the past two years and I have always found it to be highly effective in even the most verbally abusive school environments.”
During childhood, children learn and practice the skills they will need in their adult lives. Bullying is an […]
Filed under Uncategorized · Tagged with anti-bullying, bullying, teacher, teacher resources, Teacher Tips, teacher tools
The Impact of Bullying

Though a school may have thousands of incidents of hitting and pushing during the school year, it is rare for students to send one another to the hospital because they know they will get in serious trouble and they will feel terrible.
Approximately 8% of students are victims of relentless […]
Filed under Blog, Course Connections · Tagged with anti-bullying, bullying, school-wide