SELF-STUDY: Bullying: Prevention and Policies for Schools (5 hours)
“Explore strategies and techniques to respond to bullying behavior.”
Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior and can be either covert or overt in nature. Bullying incidents vary in their severity and impact. Most mild bullying behavior can be managed by the students themselves. More severe incidents may require […]
Filed under Clock Hours/CPDUs: 01 - 05, Self-Study, Self-Study · Tagged with Anti-bullying prevention activities, bullying, Bullying awareness, Bullying Bullying policies Bullying awareness Bullying prevention Anti-bullying prevention activities Responding to bullying Bullying intervention methods, Bullying intervention methods, Bullying policies, Bullying prevention, online courses for teachers renew credits continuation of education, online PD, online professional development, pd classes for teachers, pd credits, pd for educators, pd for teachers, Professional Development, professional development for teachers, renew a teaching credential, renew a teaching license, renewal credits for teachers, Responding to bullying, schools, staff development, stratergies, students, teacher ceus, teacher online pd courses, teacher pd, teacher resources, teacher tools, teachers, technology, videos
GRADUATE Course – Child Abuse Prevention
“This is a MUST HAVE course for anyone who has children or works with children who access the Internet.”
“I have utilized this philosophical approach to bullying repeatedly over the past two years and I have always found it to be highly effective in even the most verbally abusive school environments.”
1 Graduate Credit
Grading: A-F
Materials: […]
Filed under Graduate Credit, Graduate Credit, Graduate Semester Credit: 1 · Tagged with abuse of children with disabilities, bullying, child abandonment, child abuse, Child abuse and neglect, Child abuse perpetrators, Child maltreatment, child molesters and pedophiles, Child Protection services, Child sexual abuse, emotional abuse, environments, grooming, leaving children alone at home, Mandatory reporters, online professional development, physical abuse, prevention of child abuse and neglect, procedure for reporting of child abuse and neglect, recognizing and preventing, reporting of child abuse and neglect, risk factors of child abuse, teacher online pd courses, teacher resources, teacher tools, types of child abuse and neglect
SELF-STUDY:Child Abuse Prevention (15 hours)
“This is a MUST HAVE course for anyone who has children or works with children who access the Internet.”
“I have utilized this philosophical approach to bullying repeatedly over the past two years and I have always found it to be highly effective in even the most verbally abusive school […]
Filed under $101 - $200, Clock Hours/CPDUs: 11 - 15, Self-Study, Uncategorized · Tagged with bullying, child abuse prevention, classrroom tecnology, protecting children
FACILITATED: Bullying – The Golden Rule Solution (15 clock hours)
“I have utilized this philosophical approach to bullying repeatedly over the past two years and I have always found it to be highly effective in even the most verbally abusive school environments.”
During childhood, children learn and practice the skills they will need in their adult lives. Bullying is an […]
Filed under Uncategorized · Tagged with anti-bullying, bullying, teacher resource, teacher tools, teacher training
PACKAGE: Child Abuse Prevention Package for Educators (20 Hours)
The Child Abuse Prevention Package for Educators includes the following four courses
Child Abuse Prevention Package for Educators
# Hours
Recognizing & Preventing Child Abuse
Internet Safety in a Connected World
Bullying Prevention & Policies for Schools
Ethics for Education Professionals
The course package Child Abuse Prevention for Educators will expand your knowledge regarding the dangers of child abuse […]
Filed under $101 - $200, Alabama - AL, Arizona - AZ, Child Abuse & Safety, Clock Hours/CPDUs: 16 - 30, Course Packages, Illinois - IL, Minnesota - MN, New Hampshire - NH, New Jersey - NJ, New York - NY, Ohio - OH, Oregon - OR, School Safety, Self-Study, Technology, Texas - TX, Virginia - VA · Tagged with anti-bullying, bullying, child abuse, cyber safety, ethics, ethins in education, internet safety, preventing child abuse, teacher tools, teacher training
SELF-STUDY: Bullying – The Golden Rule Solution (5 clock hours)
“I have utilized this philosophical approach to bullying repeatedly over the past two years and I have always found it to be highly effective in even the most verbally abusive school environments.”
During childhood, children learn and practice the skills they will need in their adult lives. Bullying is an […]
Filed under Uncategorized · Tagged with anti-bullying, bullying, teacher, teacher resources, Teacher Tips, teacher tools
Cyberbullying – Should a teacher care?

The other day I was talking to a friend who told me of a teen who recently attempted suicide because of a verbal attack on Facebook in response to a photograph of him posted by someone. At first, I thought it just sad that someone would try to end their life because of […]
Filed under Blog · Tagged with bullying, cyberbullying, internet
How do I Teach Students to Respond to Criticism?

It is important that we teach our students to appreciate what people say to us, if they want them to be friends. Even if what they say is nasty, angry, hurtful or hateful, we can teach students to be grateful and consider how they can learn from it.
Approaching their comments as feedback can […]
Why is it Important to Teach Children how they should Respond to Bullying?

“Give a man a fish; you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish; you feed him for a lifetime.” This saying stresses that the best way to help a person is to teach him to help himself. U.S. President Abraham Lincoln wisely said, “You cannot help men permanently by doing […]
Dealing with Bullying in School: Should We Judge?

Adults regularly play judge in the disputes between children, and anti-bullying laws actually require us to serve as a judge in dealing with bullying in school.
Judging is very serious business. It should not be taken lightly and only be done when absolutely necessary and by qualified experts.
Whenever we act as a judge between […]