Why Do Students with Autism Keep Moving in the Classroom?

The sensation of balance comes from interaction between the inner ear and the cerebellum in the Lower Brain. This sense regulates muscle tone and balance. Consider how as we move throughout the day, we work with and against gravity to regulate our movements and balance.
People with autism may move in a jerky, stiff […]
PACKAGE: Essential Teaching Package #2 (25 Hours)
“Your courses fit my needs perfectly.
They were ideal for someone who does not
have a great deal of flexibility, and I learned a lot.”
The Essential Teaching Package #2 provides a foundation in skills applicable to teachers across the curriculum and grades:
Essential Teaching Package #2
# Hours
Cognitive Skills: Understanding Learning Challenges
Transformative Classroom […]
PACKAGE: Minnesota Relicensure Package #2 (30 Clock Hours)
“Your courses fit my needs perfectly.
They were ideal for someone who does not
have a great deal of flexibility, and I learned a lot.”
The Minnesota Relicensure Package #2 meets Minnesota relicensure requirements:
Minnesota Relicensure Package #2
# Hours
Cultural Competency Training: Cultural Competency and Responsive Teaching
English Language Learners: Language Acquisition
Mental Health: Recognition of […]
Autism Behavior: Imitation

Students with autism lack the early development of their mirror neurons. These mirror neurons allow us to “mirror” or copy what another person is doing. It is this that enables babies to imitate actions that adults around them are doing. Thus, a student exhibiting autism behavior may struggle to copy or imitate the […]