How Can I Use Two-Way Notebooks to Communicate with my Students’ Parents?

A two-way notebook is a spiral notebook that travels from school to home and back with both teacher and parent observations/comments. It can be a very effective way to communicate with highly concerned parents.
This type of communication can take significant teacher time. Teachers may opt to use the two-way notebook only in special […]
What is Paired Reading?

Paired reading is when a student reads a text with another student in order to develop his or her reading skills. The two students may have the same reading ability or one may be higher than the other. The purpose and methodology will differ based on who the student is being paired with.
The […]
Using Blogs to Improve Parent Involvement in the Classroom

There are many ways to improve parent involvement in the classroom. One creative way is with the help of blogs.
Having a classroom blog would serve many purposes. Apart from encouraging parent involvement, it would motivate the students to write more, as well as, inculcate in them a sense of ownership and loyalty to […]
Recognizing the Signs of Autism

The Autism Society of America defines autism as a ‘complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of ones life’. It is the result of neurological differences that affect normal processing and reactions of the body and brain. Both children and adults with autism typically show difficulties in verbal and […]