Teach Students to Learn From Failures

Provide students with the opportunity to learn from mistakes in the classroom. Tailor teaching and assessment strategies to allow failure and encourage growth.
Should teachers allow students to experience failure?
There are many implications for both the teacher and the student when answering this question. While it is a teacher’s natural instinct to help students, […]
Assessment Strategies for Classroom Group Work

Discover grading methods for assessing group work in the classroom. Use these assessments to help keep group projects effective and fair for every student.
Assessing students when they are involved in group activities or projects cannot be done in the same way as individual assessments. The final product must be the compound effect of […]
How to use Google Earth?

Grab your students’ attention and bring information to life with Google Earth. Use this interactive learning tool to promote student engagement in the classroom.
What is Google Earth?
The app Google Earth is used by teachers across the world to implement in classrooms and give students an interactive, hands-on experience. Google Earth was released […]
How to Use the RAFT Strategy in the Classroom to Develop Reading and Writing Skills?

Use the RAFT strategy in the classroom to encourage creative and organized writing. This writing activity will help develop the writing skills of students in a fun and creative way.
What is the RAFT strategy?
Writing is not easy for all students. In our classrooms, we see students struggling with the different phases or […]
How to Use Seed Discussions to Introduce New Topics?

Use Seed Discussions in the classroom to create an interactive way to introduce new lessons and reading materials to the class.
What is a Seed Discussion?
Do you have difficulty introducing new topics to the class? Are you constantly thinking of strategies you can use to make a new lesson interesting for your students? […]
How Can Teachers Challenge Gifted Learners With Differentiated Instruction?

Consider these aspects when using differentiated instruction for gifted learners. These instructional strategies will aid in providing fun and challenging curriculum for all students.
Differentiated learning can sometimes seem daunting to a teacher, but most teachers realize the importance of meeting each student’s individual needs. Differentiated learning is not just for different learning styles, […]
Strategies to Assess Reading Proficiency for Effective Instruction

Use these five strategies to assess the reading proficiency of your students. These assessments will determine the individual reading abilities of your students and make it possible to build effective instruction accordingly.
Reading Proficiency is crucial for students to succeed. If they are not able to understand the texts in the classroom then they […]
What is the Double-Entry Journal Strategy?

Enhance reading comprehension and critical analysis skills by using a Double-Entry Journal in the classroom. This organized learning strategy will add depth to any reading assignment.
What is the Double-Entry Journal strategy?
Journal writing has always been a time-honored method of recording one’s thoughts or feelings. Similar to this is the Double-Entry Journal strategy, encourages […]
Creating Effective Differentiated Curriculum

Utilize these principals to shake up your teaching methods. Inspire students to learn by offering individualized learning methods in the classroom. The result could be life changing for a student.
One of the biggest challenges that teachers face is finding ways to individualize their teaching for all of their students…
For many, the concept […]