How Can Teachers Implement A Collaborative Assessment?

Promote dynamic learning for your students while provoking critical thinking…
In the 21st century workplace, the collaborative system of learning is being promoted and implemented on a large scale. Very few professions and work environments focus only on individual competencies. Most modern work environments involve some type of collaboration or connected problem-solving to enhance […]
An “A” For Effort

During my own years in high school, I had many teachers with differing ideas and opinions for how to evaluate and score student work. There were teachers who gave everyone an “A” for “effort.” Then, there were the teachers who made students do much work to earn above an average score of “C.” […]
How Can Teachers Build a Quality Lesson Plan?

Lesson plans help teachers provide an effective learning experience for their students
A lesson plan is the instructor’s road map of what students need to learn and how it will be done effectively during the class time. After planning the unit and sequencing the learning experience, the next step focuses on developing individual lessons. […]
How can Teachers Identify a Child’s Cognitive Ability/Potential for Better Learning Outcomes?

The key to solving a persistent learning challenge is to strengthen the person’s basic processing or cognitive skill set…
Cognitive skills are the mental capabilities we need to successfully learn academic subjects. Underlying Without these skills we would not be able to process the information we receive cognitive skills must function well for […]
How Can Teachers Effectively Engage Students With ADHD?

Teaching methods and behavior strategies must reach every student in the classroom…
Hyperactive students tend to have a very high energy level, act impulsively and can be behaviorally distracting. They may fidget, play with objects, tap pencils so loudly against their desk that kids from across the room look over at them, or blurt […]
What Is The “Hands-Off” Approach To Learning?

A good teacher teaches as little as possible, while modeling behaviors of how to figure something out…
Creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, initiative and self-direction – these are just some of the 21st-century skills teachers strive to develop in students to ensure lifelong, active learning.
The truth, in reality, is that with […]
Social Networking

As technology innovations seem to be ever-growing, so does the use of social media in the classroom. While it may not be commonplace to have your students use Instagram or Snapchat to snap photos while in class, sites like Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest are being used in the classroom more frequently.
Years ago, if […]
What Are Some Movies Every Teacher Must See?

A truly dedicated educator can change the lives of his or her students…
As one of the most influential role model in the life of a student, teachers are responsible for more than just academic enrichment. To be a great educator, you must connect with your students and reach them on multiple levels, […]
A Letter From A Student To A Teacher

Dear Teacher,
I’m sick of being bored in math class. In class I enjoy finding the problems but, I don’t enjoy waiting for other students to figure out what X is. I’m not only speaking for myself but, for the more advanced students in class. Twenty five percent of the time we, are looking […]
How Can Teachers Improve Classroom Management Using The Color Wheel?

Enforce uniform group expectations for conduct while also responding flexibly to the differing behavioral demands…
The posting of class-wide rules can help teachers to teach behavioral expectations and prevent problem behaviors. However, a single set of rules lacks flexibility. As students move from large group instruction to cooperative learning groups to less-structured free time […]