How can Teachers Teach Cognitive Skills?

Help improve over all learning in your classroom by addressing learning skills on the most basic level. This lesson provides training techniques in order to create better cognitive learning for every student.
Due to exciting new brain research, we now know that some cognitive difficulties can be improved. With the right training a student […]
How Can Teachers Build a Quality Lesson Plan?

Lesson plans help teachers provide an effective learning experience for their students
A lesson plan is the instructor’s road map of what students need to learn and how it will be done effectively during the class time. After planning the unit and sequencing the learning experience, the next step focuses on developing individual lessons. […]
SELF-STUDY: Guided Reading (5 hours)
“Explore effective Strategies to Scaffold Literacy Learning through guided Reading”
Guided reading proves to be one of the most effective tools, not only to improve a student’s fundamental reading skills, but also to develop high level comprehension skills. The teacher’s role in guided reading is to provide support, but the […]
Creative Ideas For Winding Up The Class Day And Academic Year

Have you ever wondered, why does my classroom seem more chaotic towards the end of the day? Is there a way to handle that constructively?
Misbehavior among students when the day nears the final bell is more frequent because there is a connection students make with classroom culture and the last few minutes of […]
The Great Outdoors

Summer is a great time of the year to get out and see the great outdoors. In today’s world we are so entertained by music, media and our cellphones that we don’t take out time often enough to interact with nature. This summer, look at ways that you can get out, and inspire […]
What are the 5 Ways in which teachers can partner with parents?

Partnering at school is an excellent option for teachers to begin getting parents involved in their child’s learning, especially in the elementary grades and where the classroom teacher may need extra assistance. The best way to ensure parental involvement is through encouragement and a warm approach from the teacher. The attitudes and actions of […]
Is Every Student In The Right Place?
In Chess, we try to place a piece in a location from where it can move and act in as many directions as possible. This is the optimum position for this piece. When you play chess, if you place each of your pieces in a place from which they can move in multiple […]
SELF-STUDY: Reading through Technology in the Classroom (5 hours)
“Technology makes reading more interesting, interactive, and fun.“
Reading is an essential skill central to education. In today’s classroom, students use and access information from a variety of sources. The skills of evaluating content, collaboration and peer-review become an important part of reading.
This course showcases creative strategies for reading instruction […]
Common Core Intervention across the Curriculum (1 Iowa LRC – Self Study)
“How often do you hear someone proclaim that they love math?”
The implementation of Common Core State Standards across the curriculum provides a real-world approach to learning and teaching. It is increasingly essential for educators to develop students who not only are critical thinkers but innovators as well. This course […]
The Importance of Pre-reading Activities

Recent research brought to light a new lesson format that gave due importance to pre-reading activities. It was found that what is done before reading, is very beneficial for understanding the text. This preparation work is what helps students get connect the new information to what they already know.
This new format suggests that […]