A teacher once told me that she could often tell on the first day of school what final grade each student would receive. What are your thoughts about this?An optimistic teacher is one who believes that every student in her class will succeed academically. An optimistic teacher believes that they can be a […]
What Are Some Ethical Issues Every School Must Discuss?

Ethics education is about recognizing the real power of our own innate ethical sense and how it influences our behavior
With the advent of the internet and smart phones, it’s easy for boundaries to become blurred. In the past it was rare for a student to call a teacher at home. Today, students and […]
How Can Teachers Adapt Classroom Tests For Students With ADHD?

Test modifications can be a lifesaver for many students with ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is seen commonly in today’s classrooms. Children with this condition may be restless, find it difficult to sit, and may be impulsive and have a very short attention span. On the other hand, they are also very […]
How Can Teachers Assess If Their Students Are Learning And Progressing?

Continuous assessment gives teachers valuable feedback about your student’s understanding of concepts and the way they apply them…
Continuous assessment is the process of learning about your students by using your daily experiences and observations of their ideas, conversations, drawings and writings. This happens each day rather than at the end of a unit […]
How can Teachers Create Professional Development Goals From Examining Student Work?

Teachers who examine student work together are able to think more deeply about their teaching and about what students are learning…
Examining student work can be understood as teachers engaging in inquiry-based learning. They become a group of critical and creative thinkers (students) who honor openness and flexibility. Through collaborative dialogue, teachers seek new questions […]
How Can Teachers Promote Learning In The Classroom Through Interactive Bulletin Boards?

Interactive boards that allow students to work on the display provoke interest
Bulletin boards are a great tool to reinforce rules and promote learning in the classroom. They can be both fun and informative by allowing students to participate in non- threatening way. A conceptual bulletin board deals with the subjects being taught in […]
How Can Teachers Effectively Support Parents Of Students With Special Needs?

Helping special parents understand what you are doing in the classroom and as a school for their child, will help build trust…
Partnership is time consuming and needs commitment both emotionally and mentally. In order to work, there needs to be a relationship between the teacher and the parent. Without a bond and an […]
Approaching Challenges

In our teaching careers, we often face challenges. From managing with a small classroom space and dealing with bullying among students, to meeting standards, we are often talking about and trying to solve different types of issues. How we approach these challenges, says a lot about us- do we discuss with our colleagues, […]
Why Are Shared Classroom Expectations Important?

In an effective class, students know where things are going, how they fit in, and what is expected of them…
Things that are said, things that are done, patterns of action, body language and one’s tone of voice all send out information that students invariably interpret. Over time these interpretations lead students to […]
How Can Teachers Make Their Feedback Meaningful?
Meaningful feedback that goes along with an assessment is the bedrock of improvement…
It is an uncontested fact that evaluating/ assessing is an integral part of educating students. It determines whether or not the goals of education are being met. Teachers and parents use test scores and feedback to gauge a student’s academic strengths […]
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