Impact of Social Networking in the Classroom

What an incredible week it has been for showing the impact of the Internet!
Two weeks after the people of Tunusia used Twitter, Facebook, texting and other modern communications tools to coordinate the revolution and overthrow of their government, citizens began protesting governments elsewhere in the Middle East and beyond. No one knows what […]

Teachers as Learners

Teachers as Learners

“I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.”
– Socrates

Educators and support professionals work in many capacities including and no way limited to: public schools, private schools, charter schools, tutoring, business, home schooling, parenting, training, mentoring, administration, colleges, universities, government, foreign countries, virtual schools, performance […]

What are Web Tools in Education?

What are Web Tools in Education?

Web tools in and outside of the education are built around the concept of Web 2.0, which at its most basic translates to the ReadWrite Web. Still don’t understand? Don’t worry, it’s a murky term and the easiest way for teachers to think about it is this: on the “old” internet (web), content […]

In the Classroom: Access to Technology

I recently started volunteering twice a week teaching computers at an area high school. We have been doing mostly discussing (not using any machines yet) and I told the students to write down a particular website. To which I was met by a bunch of blank stares. Not one student had a notebook […]

6 TOP PICKS: Quick Hit Learning Resources

Mark Twain said, “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.” Throughout our lives we are both teachers […]

Walmart Presents Kids in Detroit With Hope Through Change

AOL reports that Walmart stores and Detroit Public Schools Schools have teamed up to “offer students a for-credit after-school class that teaches job-readiness.” For a city that has been hit by a 50 percent unemployment rate and shrinking tax base, this partnership presents students with an opportunity to learn from America’s  largest private […]

Tip & Tease

By Marlene Caroselli, Ed.D

Tip: Use Collective Knowledge
A mind is a terrible thing to waste. So is time. By asking your table groups to record everything they already know about the subject at the beginning of a new unit, you’ll learn what they’ve already learned. Thus you can make some quick, if subtle, adjustments […]

Resolutions & Education

Courses | Staff Development Books | Children’s Books | Virtual Schools |

Want a super way to write down and keep track of goals, tasks and even New Year’s resolutions?
Need a creative way to include print-outs, organizers, notes and resources in classes?
This is it! The Pocket Mod is a simple little handy tool that […]

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