Tools for Education: MMORPG

According to Wikipedia, MMORPG is the acronym for “Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game.” In an MMORPG, thousands of players exist in the same game world at the same time. Most players begin by playing individually.
The game trains players and builds them up with competencies that are marked with tokens or skill categories – in […]
Setting Learning Goals and Objectives

The key to examining learning goals and objectives is to identify the actions that you want the students to engage in. Rather than saying “the student will write a paper,” try something like what Dubbels (2011) listed for creating learning goals and objectives below.
Adaptive behavioral acts
Skillfully access, read, analyze, evaluate, integrate, and use […]
Second Life in Education: Using a Virtual World as a Teaching Tool

Second Life is a very large virtual world made up of people of many different beliefs, compositions, forms and expressions.
The Second Life is a shared simulation. It provides a unique and flexible environment for educators interested in distance learning, computer supported cooperative work, simulation, new media studies, and corporate training.
The advantage of using […]
Using Video Games for Learning

Games by their very nature assess, measure, and evaluate. Interestingly, this is also part of a teacher’s job. Therefore the concept of video games for learning can be developed in the following ways:
Studying games,
As a teamwork project,
Delivering content with games, and
Using games to leverage other skills.
Games can be used as new fiction and […]
Video Games as Curriculum

As models and simulations for developing scientific habits of mind. This content unit gives an overview of the use of STARLOGO free software for education from MIT. With this software, you can develop the scientific habits of mind to do science with mathematical modeling the easy way! Create models, simulations, and crazy computations […]
Could Video Games Fight Childhood Obesity?
Healthcare professionals have observed an increase in levels of childhood obesity. This increase has been attributed in large part to physical inactivity. Physical inactivity can lead to obesity and poor cardiovascular health, and it can also have negative effects on bone health.
Bones function to support a mechanical load (a force exerted by body […]