What must be kept in Mind to Develop a Framework while Integrating Standards?

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Check Out the New Blog Developing a framework is crucial while integrating standards.When integrating standards school-wide, we must pay careful attention across disciplines and grade levels in order to align what is taught to the curriculum. A framework can help ensure that this alignment occurs not only vertically across grades but horizontally within one grade as well.

Approaching the standards through an integrated approach can only be successful if organized in a framework. A curriculum framework is basically a map for teachers to plan their students’ learning journey.

In some settings, this framework is mandatory and forced on the teachers, but in other school districts, individual schools are free to choose and/or design their own framework.

Regardless of where the framework stems from, it is important to remember that the framework itself is a means and not an end result.

In order for a framework to function for a standard-based integrated curriculum, it needs to include the following successful features:

  • Concepts that promote meaningful learning and connections across the curriculum
  • Well articulated objectives
  • Established scope and sequences
  • Explicit teaching of cross-curricular skills
  • Revisiting previously taught concepts with greater complexity
  • Common professional language when speaking about curriculum planning and teaching (Assessments/Evaluation)
  • Teachers with a sense of ownership
  • Provision made for flexible planning time (collaborative)
  • Adequate and available resources
  • Roles for community members (parent support, etc.)
  • Gradual changes

These can all be addressed by starting small. It is a giant step towards relevancy for students when even an individual teacher achieves any level of integration within their own classroom. A school-wide integration takes time, patience, some additional work and collaboration, as well as good disposition towards change on the part of the administration and teachers.

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