What must be kept in Mind to Develop a Framework while Integrating Standards?

When integrating standards school-wide, we must pay careful attention across disciplines and grade levels in order to align what is taught to the curriculum. A framework can help ensure that this alignment occurs not only vertically across grades but horizontally within one grade as well.
Approaching the standards through an integrated approach can only […]
Filed under Blog · Tagged with curriculum, framework, integrating, learning, standards
SELF-STUDY: Standards and Communications in Teaching (15 clock hours)
“Benchmarks? Rubrics? Assessments? Content, Instructional and Performance Standards?”
In an age where there are multiple approaches to teaching and educating students, it becomes important to ensure that a particular standard is maintained. This class helps teachers achieve goals, while empowering you with skills and tools to deliver the best of […]
Filed under Uncategorized · Tagged with education, formative assessment, integrating, integrating standards, teacher resources, teacher tools, teacher training, technology for teachers, Technology in Classroom
An Integrated Curriculum

The idea of going beyond factual items and making connections to the learner’s world is not new. In 1915, John Dewey wrote about this in “The School and Society”.
“Relate the school to life, and all studies are of necessity correlated.”
Today, no one definition captures standard-based integration but the following is as close as […]
Filed under Blog, Course Connections · Tagged with curriculum, integrating, standards, teaching