Can the Teacher’s Mood Impact Student Performance?

Can the Teacher’s Mood Impact Student Performance?

August 16, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

It is not uncommon for students to attribute your outburst in class to a bad mood or an “off day”. No matter how hard we try to hide it, students have an uncanny sense of ability to detect our moods and emotions. The problem, if and how our mood affects or influences student […]

Teacher Resources, Tools & Giveaways for the week (Aug 10 – 17, 2013)

August 9, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

MIT App Inventor
A drag and drop tool for students to create their own Android apps.
Clipping Magic
Remove image backgrounds easily.
An easy way to create cartoons.
Alphabet Organizer
An interactive to build phonemic awareness.
Tropical Treasure Hunt
An activity to learn about rain forest.
Kindle Fire HD
Enter for a chance to win this Kindle Fire.
Gift card
Here is […]

In the Folds of Origami

In the Folds of Origami

August 9, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

I was looking at some origami decorations yesterday. A few simple folds and twists, and a blank piece of paper becomes a beautiful object. All it needs is an imagination and a pair of skilled hands.
Aren’t children like that too? A blank piece of paper that is folded and worked on by parents, […]

How Can I Creatively Present a Chain of Events in a Bulletin Board?

How Can I Creatively Present a Chain of Events in a Bulletin Board?

August 9, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Bulletin boards are a wonderful way to display a sequence of events. This could be the steps of a science experiment, reinforcing a procedure for reading or writing tasks, or teaching a specific chain of events related to the subject matter.
The steps are presented one after the other, and usually have arrows connecting […]

What is a Digital Scavenger Hunt?

What is a Digital Scavenger Hunt?

August 9, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Treasure hunts or scavenger hunts, we are all familiar with. Add technology and we have a Digital scavenger hunt at our finger tips. Armed with digital cameras or a mobile phone with camera facility, students can set out to explore their learning in a new and puzzle solving manner.
The objective:
Students are allotted into […]

Teacher Resources, Tools & Giveaways for the week (Aug 3 – 10, 2013)

August 2, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

An online collaborative platform to improve writing outcomes.
PDF Compressor
Reduce size of PDF files.
Resources on safe use of social media.
+ Plus Magazine
Math resources from different sources on the internet.
Mathematics and language arts games for elementary and middle school students.
Choice kit
Enter for a chance to win one craft project of your […]

Time for Little Things

Time for Little Things

August 2, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

I just noticed the other day that there are often things in my home that I have kept for a specific reason, but don’t actually use. These are the “in-between” things. Things that aren’t useless enough to get thrown, and at the same time aren’t useful the way they are. For example, a […]

Why is Long Term Memory So Important for Learning?

Why is Long Term Memory So Important for Learning?

August 2, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Long term memory is the ability to both store and recall information for later use. For example, the ease we have in spelling our first name vs. our need for practice to spell the name of the state where we live backward.
After a decision is made to keep the data, it is forwarded […]

What is Mindscaping?

What is Mindscaping?

August 1, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

There was a time when doodling or scribbling during a lecture was considered a sign of inattentiveness, and was not encouraged. However, taking notes and summarizing the lesson in the form of images, symbol and phrases can help learning and retention of information. The process of creating such visual maps is known as […]

Famous Words

Famous Words

July 28, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

I was recently reading an article about how so many words we use are derived from famous people. Did you know that “leotard” was actually the name of a French acrobat?
I often find that when I speak, there are some words that I tend to use more often than others. This phenomenon also […]

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