How do We Teach Responsible Use of Technology?

How do We Teach Responsible Use of Technology?

April 20, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

With so many interesting gadgets, and unrestricted access, it’s easy for teens and students to get a little “overenthusiastic.” It’s even possible that technology can drive people away from real friendships, real hangouts, healthy relationships, meaningful activities and even learning.
Just talking to youth about this is never enough. They keep hearing about internet […]

Teacher Resources, Tools & Giveaways for the week (Apr 13 – 20, 2013)

Teacher Resources, Tools & Giveaways for the week (Apr 13 – 20, 2013)

April 13, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Poetry Idea Engine
A simple, interactive tool that gives ideas for poems.
Animated flow chart
A guide to create animated flow charts using Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007.
Estimate or Compute?
An activity to reinforce the math concept of estimation and computation.
NanoSpace Molecularium
A virtual amusement park that students can click through to find videos, games, and other short lessons […]

The Magic of Brainstorming

The Magic of Brainstorming

April 13, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

The past couple of weeks, here at Professional Learning Board, we have been discussing various plans and the team has come up with some wonderful ideas. It reminded me about how brainstorming is such an amazing process. When each of us came together we didn’t have solutions, but when we worked together to […]

Teacher Resources, Tools & Giveaways for the week (Apr 6 – 13, 2013)

April 6, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Crossword Labs
A simple way to build, print,share and solve crossword puzzles.
An easy to use virtual bulletin board.
Science Toy Maker
Find instructions and ideas to create science toys and projects.
Scholastic Story Starters
Generate writing prompts based on four themes.
Graph figures from equations
Help students understand basic coordinate geometry by graphing figures from equations and writing the equations […]

Spring Cleaning our Schedules

Spring Cleaning our Schedules

April 6, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Have you ever realized that just the way we accumulate “clutter” in our homes and classrooms, we tend to accumulate “clutter” in our lives and schedules? There are things that sap our time that may not be important, enjoyable or even required. But we still do them everyday and waste precious moments. I […]

Teacher Resources, Tools & Giveaways for the week (Mar 30 – Apr 6, 2013)

March 29, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Generate word clouds from any text.
Co-edit shared writing.
Plastic Cup Tricks
A set of four easy classroom management techniques.
Newspaper Template
Downloadable Microsoft Word newspaper templates for your class.
Create quizzes based on images.
Wonder Forge New Spring Games
Enter for a chance to win a Disney Easter Matching Game and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Clash Alley […]

Spring Cleaning in the Classroom

Spring Cleaning in the Classroom

March 29, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

As we work on spring cleaning our homes, it might be a great time to think about spring-cleaning in our classrooms as well. While I definitely work on getting the  classroom set up for the new school year each year, I sometimes find that there are things that I accept as part of […]

Teacher Resources, Tools & Giveaways for the week (Mar 23 – 30, 2013)

March 22, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Sketch Star
A tool to create animated comics from scratch or using pre-made shapes and characters.
Collect polls instantly via mobile phones or tablets.
The Student-Made Quiz
Reading strategies that help students better comprehend their reading.
Collaborate and track changes in Microsoft Office Word 2007
Learn how to track changes and use review tools in documents.

Visual Analogies in Teaching

Visual Analogies in Teaching

March 22, 2013 by · 1 Comment 

We’re all familiar with the proverb, “Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.” Its one of the many visual analogies that help communicate a precious idea, thought or concept. Often while we teach, we are introducing something new that the student has never seen, heard or known of before. But when we compare […]

Teacher Resources, Tools & Giveaways for the week (Mar 16 – 23, 2013)

March 16, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

A user friendly interface to design and publish flyers online.
A vocabulary web tool that provides antonyms and synonyms to your words.
A screen sharing service that allows both the users to control the screen.
Draft letters
A strategy that helps students to think critically about their writing.
Dolphin Racing
An online game to reinforce the fractions.

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