Formal Learning and Informal Learning

September 27, 2011 by PLB · 3 Comments
Learning can occur outside of school and even unrelated to school work. Quite often it is this learning type that tends to remain etched in the memory of the child for a long time. It is therefore important to have a perfect blend of formal and informal learning.
Jay Cross, the originator of the […]
Language Tricks to Improve Student’s Confidence

September 23, 2011 by PLB · 2 Comments
As teachers we always want our learners to grow in confidence. I sometimes struggle with this when I have to show my students where they need to improve their skills. This week I’ll share a couple of simple language tricks that have made a world of difference to helping me encourage children’s self […]
Second Life in Education: Using a Virtual World as a Teaching Tool

September 23, 2011 by PLB · 2 Comments
Second Life is a very large virtual world made up of people of many different beliefs, compositions, forms and expressions.
The Second Life is a shared simulation. It provides a unique and flexible environment for educators interested in distance learning, computer supported cooperative work, simulation, new media studies, and corporate training.
The advantage of using […]
Benefits of Developing Clear Classroom Rules and Expectations

September 22, 2011 by PLB · Leave a Comment
There are a whole host of benefits to intentionally promoting clear and shared classroom rules and expectations. A survey of the research demonstrates some of the obvious benefits, such as:
Students know what to expect and they understand the learning tasks better (Wentzel, 2006).
Things in the class run more smoothly with less confusion (Grusec […]
Using Wikis in the Classroom

A wiki is simply a website that can easily be edited by many people. Users don’t need any specialized computer training and can add content with just a few clicks of a mouse.
Wikis in the classroom context can be used to collect and share resources for presentations and workshops. They can also be […]
Benefits of Formative Assessment in the Classroom

September 20, 2011 by PLB · 3 Comments
According to Lang, et al (2008), the formative assessment process came from educators working on ways to accelerate student achievement and help predict how students will perform on standards-based statewide tests.
The benefits of formative assessment is obvious in the classroom. The usage of formative assessments in class as a way to guide instruction […]
Using Video Games for Learning

September 16, 2011 by PLB · Leave a Comment
Games by their very nature assess, measure, and evaluate. Interestingly, this is also part of a teacher’s job. Therefore the concept of video games for learning can be developed in the following ways:
Studying games,
As a teamwork project,
Delivering content with games, and
Using games to leverage other skills.
Games can be used as new fiction and […]
Using Time as a Strategy for Effective Transitions in the Classroom

September 15, 2011 by PLB · 4 Comments
There are many elements that help structure transitions in the classroom. The element of time creates a smooth method, if used properly. Let me explain how.
First, give students a time warning shortly before the end of the activity to help prepare themselves mentally for the transition and to make themselves ready for an […]
Definition of Formative Assessment

September 13, 2011 by PLB · Leave a Comment
For years, the main reason students were given tests was to understand what they have learned and to grade them. However in the 21st Century, tests took on a new role – to determine what a student has mastered and to reshape instruction. Less emphasis was laid on determining a student’s grade.
The use […]