What is a Behavior Conference?

A behavior conference is a brief meeting between teacher and student to discuss the student’s problem behavior(s). While the structure and content of a behavior conference will vary based on circumstances, it will typically include some or all of the following elements:
Description of the problem behavior: The teacher describes the student’s behavior and […]
How Can I Manage Student Behavior With Behavior Conference?

A behavior conference is a brief meeting between teacher and student to discuss the student’s problem behavior(s). While the structure and content of a behavior conference will vary based on circumstances, it will typically include some or all of the following elements:
Description of the problem behavior: The teacher describes the student’s behavior and […]
How Can I Use Interaction and Movement in the Classroom to Encourage Positive Behavior?

Movement and interaction can help students to focus and engage in the lesson more effectively, thus promoting positive behavior. Here are some strategies that teachers may implement:
Structure instructional activities. Students with high energy levels may be more likely to engage in distracting behavior when forced to sit through long periods of lecture or […]
What Behavior Intervention Strategies can I use with Uncooperative Students?

Uncooperative students can be motivated using specific behavior intervention strategies. When a student’s confrontational behavior seems driven by a need for control, the teacher can state directives as two-part choice statements.
This strategy involves structuring verbal requests to both acknowledge the student’s freedom to choose whether to comply and present the logical consequences for […]
How can I Support a Student with Bipolar Disorder in School?

Bipolar Disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood energy. It can also make it hard for someone to carry out day-to-day tasks, such as going to school or hanging out with friends.
Symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe. They are different from the normal ups […]
How does the Pace of Instruction Impact Motivation in the Classroom?

When students are instructed at a quick pace, they generally show a higher rate of academic engagement and lower rate of misbehavior. Hence, it is a useful tool for motivation in the classroom.
To accomplish a rapid rate of group instruction:
Align instructional content to match learner’s skill levels. This ensures a high rate of […]
Why is it Important to Create Acceptable Use Policies for Staff in Schools?

As leaders in the education sector, it is important to create acceptable use policies (AUP). These key staff related issues include the following:
As employees and staff, one is accountable to potential disciplinary action mandated by law, local school and district policy as well as union agreements.
Secure Data Access
The high access given to staff […]
What are the Causes for Challenging Behaviors in Children?

A student’s behavior is not random but is determined by one or more root causes or behavioral drivers, the most common of which include:
Social attention (adult or peer)
A student may call out sarcastic comments in class because she gets peer attention for doing so.
Escape or avoidance of tasks, settings, or situations
A student who […]
What are the Different States of Attention in the Classroom?

It is essential that students know exactly what the expectation is for the different states of attention and what behavior is appropriate for that state. Often students are not sure what level of attention or amount of interaction is appropriate at a given time. It may be useful to be explicit when changing […]
How can I get Students Involved in the Learning Process?

One way to “light the spark” of motivation in a classroom and get students involved is by giving students a prominent voice in learning activities.
As a homework assignment, for example, you may encourage students to submit sample questions for an upcoming test. It’s important to regularly select several of these student-generated items to […]