How Can Teachers Incorporate STEM While Keeping the Cost Low?

Integrating STEM into our classrooms does not require a huge budget or curriculum change. Any school, any classroom and any teacher can adapt their classroom to incorporate STEM.
One of the primary costs of STEM implementation is curriculum. Designing STEM curriculum is not something only experts in STEM can do. Any teacher, who is […]
How Can Teachers Use STEM To Improve Curriculum And Instruction?

Give your students STEM-focussed education to equip them for the challenges of the future…
All students deserve an education that helps them to succeed in today’s technology-rich, global society. STEM-focused education helps to achieve this goal. The purpose of STEM education in educational institutions is to collaborate on the best pedagogy and curriculum to […]
BUSTED! 3 Popular Math Myths

Being good at math is not about natural ability, it’s all about effort.
For many people, working with numbers can be stressful. However, when people are confident in their ability to understand and solve mathematical problems, the world becomes an easier place to navigate. Tasks such as budgeting, choosing the best insurance plan, or […]
SELF-STUDY: Classroom Collaboration (5 hours)
“Cultivate a collaborative environment in the classroom.”
Implement collaborative learning in classrooms and develop successful learners. This framework enables teachers to recognize characteristics of collaborative classrooms, be aware of student and teacher roles, and practice group activities as an essential part of the classroom. Teachers are introduced to school-wide policy […]