FACILITATED: Teaching English Language Learners (15 clock hours)
“I really appreciate the abundance of ideas for teaching ELLs that I learned in this course. There were so many techniques and ideas shared, and I feel as if I have a toolbox to use in my classroom.”
Any K-12 teacher, administrator, or support staff member who would like to […]
What is the Best Teaching Approach for Bilingual Children?

Contrary to what was once believed, most experts now agree that children do not get “confused” by exposure to one language at school and a different one (or more) at home. It is never recommended to advise English Language Learners (ELLs) or bilingual children and their families to speak only English at home. […]
Understanding BICS and CALP

Teachers who work with English Language Learners (ELL) are often puzzled by the differences that they see between different language skill areas. For example, a teacher may observe that an ELL speaks easily with his peers about lunch, music, video games and what he did on the weekend, but may struggle a lot […]
Tip for Teachers of ELLs: Parent Survey
The following information can help teachers of English Language Learners (ELLs) prepare appropriate instruction for their students and across their classrooms. Prepare a one-page parent survey in order to collect background information about each ELL. Some good things to ask about include:
Age of child on arrival to United States
Date of arrival
Circumstances […]