What are SDAIE Strategies?

What are SDAIE Strategies?
As classrooms become more culturally diverse, it is crucial for teachers to be familiar with strategies that can help students struggling with the English language (English Language Learners). Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) is a teaching approach that uses various strategies to teach academic content to ELL students.
Components of Sheltered Instruction

Components of Sheltered Instruction
It is not uncommon to see one or more English language learners (ELL) in the class. To help them learn, teachers often use the Sheltered Instruction model, a teaching method that simplifies content to make it more comprehensible for ELLs. The instruction model aims at helping ELLs develop academic skills, […]
SELF-STUDY: Language Acquisition (5 hours)
“The techniques and strategies in this course have given me an extensive toolkit to use with English Language Learners in my classroom.”
Delve into theories of the language acquisition process, and uncover practical ways for teachers to help English language learners understand lesson content. Through the strategies and information […]
How Can I Help Students in a Multicultural Classroom Prepare for Emergencies?

In a multicultural classroom, where you have students from different backgrounds, responses to emergencies can be very different. Schools in other countries may not conduct any drills for fires and other emergencies. Thus, hearing a loud bell unexpectedly and seeing students move quickly can be frightening, even terrifying, to a newly arrived learner. […]
Can English Language Learners (ELLs) Develop Authentic Pronunciation?

Most experts agree that there exists a “critical period” for developing native-like pronunciation. Once a person is past puberty, it is difficult (but not impossible) to speak an additional language without an accent.
Therefore, teachers need not worry about the pronunciation of younger English Language Learners — they will eventually sound like native English […]
SELF-STUDY: Reaching Diverse Learners (15 hours)
“I really appreciate the abundance of ideas for teaching ELLs that I learned in this course. There were so many techniques and ideas shared, and I feel as if I have a toolbox to use in my classroom.”
Diversity is becoming a very real issue in our classrooms today. We […]
SELF-STUDY: Teaching English Language Learners (10 hours)
“I really appreciate the abundance of ideas for teaching ELLs that I learned in this course. There were so many techniques and ideas shared, and I feel as if I have a toolbox to use in my classroom.”
Any K-12 teacher, administrator, or support staff member who would like to […]
How do I Teach English Language Learners about the Rules of Grammar?

Generally, a person learning a second language will eventually acquire grammar rules on his own, inductively, much as a child learning his first language does. A three-year-old might say “I goed to the zoo today.” An eight-year-old typically would not. The error goes away over time with frequently hearing the correct version in […]
What is the Best Teaching Approach for Bilingual Children?

Contrary to what was once believed, most experts now agree that children do not get “confused” by exposure to one language at school and a different one (or more) at home. It is never recommended to advise English Language Learners (ELLs) or bilingual children and their families to speak only English at home. […]
What is Sheltered Instruction?

Sheltered Instruction (SI) is a method of teaching English Language Learners that fits the recommended model of culturally responsive education. The goal of SI is to help ELLs develop content knowledge, language proficiency, and academic skills at the same time.
Most ELLs are in mainstream classrooms for most or all of the day. SI […]