How do I Introduce Comic Making in the Classroom?

Comics have always been of interest to children. It generally acts as a distraction from their studies. One way to counter this is to introduce comics into the students’ learning process. This will help make the learning process fun, helping you battle the digital distractions that the students face.
Introducing comics or comic making […]
How do I Introduce Students to Educational Websites?

Educational websites can include websites that have games, videos or topic related resources that act as tools to enhance learning and supplement classroom teaching. These websites help make the process of learning entertaining and attractive to the student, especially in today’s age.
While there are many advantages of such websites, we also need to […]
What is the Meaning of Phishing?

One of the most common tricks for stealing your information is aptly called “phishing” (pronounced just like “fishing for information”). Phishing is any attempt at tricking someone to send information that can be used to access their accounts or get them to send money.
A number of students fall prey to this scam. It […]
How can I Check for Plagiarism in the Classroom?

It is well known that students often “copy-paste” their assignments or reports from the internet with no regard to plagiarism. It is, therefore, our role as teachers to conduct a strict check for plagiarism and ensure that they adhere to the moral code of respecting the writing of other authors.
Before cracking the whip […]
What is the Importance of Digital Footprints?

Digital footprints are traces left by one’s activity in a digital environment. Most adults and many children have them. The easiest way to get a feel of it is to “Google” yourself.
Will Richardson, in a 2008 article for Educational Leadership, titled Footprints in the Digital Age wrote: “As the geeky father of a […]
Why is it Important to Create Acceptable Use Policies for Staff in Schools?

As leaders in the education sector, it is important to create acceptable use policies (AUP). These key staff related issues include the following:
As employees and staff, one is accountable to potential disciplinary action mandated by law, local school and district policy as well as union agreements.
Secure Data Access
The high access given to staff […]
How do I Plan a Virtual Tour of a Museum?

Every student looks forward to class field trips, whether it is to an amusement park, a museum or even just to the park. A trip to the museum helps you make education exciting and allows you to sneak in information in an unsuspecting fun way. However, there are a lot of logistical and […]
How do I Monitor Computer Usage in the Classroom?

A monitoring software helps you monitor computer usage. A good monitoring software program will capture all activity on a computer through a variety of means. The price of the software ranges from free to over $100 with the more effective ones charging a fee for the program.
Monitoring services generally include 1-2 years of […]
What is Grooming on the Internet?

Online grooming is a process where someone makes contact with a child with a motive to sexually abuse them, either online or offline. Predators usually build relationships with their victims. This grooming process usually includes several stages and may occur very quickly depending on the responses they get from their intended victim.
Virtual Worlds in Education Versus its Dangers

Virtual world websites are similar to gaming as users in both create an account and then use an avatar (picture or drawing) to represent them and move around. They differ from online gaming sites as the user isn’t there to play a game but to interact with the other users.
While virtual worlds have […]